The Clinical Effectiveness of Rebooting Your Body

Alan Goldhamer, dc, is the founder and education director of TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California. Under his guidance, the center has supervised fasts for thousands of patients and grown into one of the premier training facilities for doctors wishing to gain certification in the supervision of therapeutic fasting.
Through research and clinical experience, he has shown that prolonged water-only fasting—when conducted under proper medical supervision—can yield remarkable results in reversing hypertension, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and even certain types of cancer.
Dr Goldhamer "It is very hard to gain direct inpatient control of subjects for long periods of time where you control all variables. It makes us an ideal human subjects research site."
We have been able to document the effect on cardiovascular disease. We have published a paper in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, or JMPT, “Medically Supervised Water-only Fasting in the Treatment of Hyper-tension.” The cohort included 174 consecutive patients with hypertension—174 people achieving blood pressure low enough to eliminate medication and the largest effect sizes that have ever been shown in treating high blood pressure in humans with an average drop of 60 points in stage III hypertension, independent of the medication effects.
These people were all nonmedicated at the end of treatment, and so they dropped 60 points plus whatever effect medication might have been having on them prior to withdrawal.
We subsequently published a second paper in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, or JACM, working at borderline hypertension on these people who had blood pressure that was high enough to increase the risk of death but not enough to justify medication. The effect sizes in this study were proportional to those of the JMPT article.