Detox Packs

Detox Packs


1 Lavender Relax Laxative Tea - 5 cal
Enjoy this the night before starting the juices. This soothing herbal laxative supports gentle and thorough elimination, with blood-purifying and mucus-removing ingredients such as mullein leaf, milk thistle, senna pods and leaf, cascara sagrada, lavender, lemongrass, red raspberry, and burdock root.

1 ZING Shots (Number Zero) - 30 cal
Start your day with this powerhouse combo of pineapple, turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion root, lime, ginger, and a hint of black pepper. ZING is your ultimate anti-inflammatory and cleansing starter.

1 Rejuvenator (Number 1) - 115 cal
Drink this immediately after your ZING shot. A wholesome juice packed with essential vitamins and minerals for detoxification and digestive wellness. Containing Kale, Pineapple, Cucumber, Arugula, Spinach, Swiss chard, Moringa, Dandelion, Ginger,Lime, Lemongrass.

1 Glow Up (Number 2) - 110 cal
This anti-inflammatory juice improves circulation, supports joint health, and acts as a nerve tonic with orange, turmeric, soursop leaf extract, carrot, cucumber, pineapple, milk thistle, spinach, watercress, ginger, and black pepper.

1 Vegan Protein - 150 cal
Replace your most filling meal with this high-protein vegan blend. It's nut-free, with no added sugar, and is designed to keep you nourished throughout the day with banana, coconut milk, nut butter, a seed blend (chia, hemp, pumpkin, and flaxseed), cinnamon, and vanilla bean.

1 Black Magic (Number 3) - 90 cal
Crafted to boost digestive health, reduce bloating, and rid your body of toxins, this refreshing drink contains activated charcoal, elderberry, soursop leaf extract, pineapple, ginger, and lime.

1 Feel The Beet (Number 4) - 140 cal
This blood-building elixir combats inflammation, rebalances stomach pH, enhances digestion, and fortifies the immune system. Enjoy the benefits of beet, carrot, cucumber, celery, pineapple, oranges, parsley, and ginger.

Total Calories per Day: Approximately 640

Suggested Schedule:

For optimal results, drink each juice every two hours after your Number Zero.

Our program is designed with farm-fresh ingredients carefully selected and combined to promote immune-boosting, gut and liver-supporting properties, with a high-protein vegan blend to keep you nourished throughout the day.

While everyone's experience with cleansing is unique, it's essential to listen to your body. Juice cleansing is designed to replace solid meals, but it's crucial to adjust your intake of juices, water, and herbal teas according to your body's needs. You may notice changes in digestion and sleep patterns as your body adapts to the cleanse. Staying well-hydrated is vital, especially as you may experience fluctuations in energy levels and mood during your first juice cleanse.

1 Lavender Relax Laxative Tea - 5 cal
Enjoy this the night before starting the juices. This soothing herbal laxative supports gentle and thorough elimination, with blood-purifying and mucus-removing ingredients such as mullein leaf, milk thistle, senna pods and leaf, cascara sagrada, lavender, lemongrass, red raspberry, and burdock root.

1 ZING Shots (Number Zero) - 30 cal
Start your day with this powerhouse combo of pineapple, turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion root, lime, ginger, and a hint of black pepper. ZING is your ultimate anti-inflammatory and cleansing starter.

1 Green Giant (Number 1) - 45 cal
Drink this immediately after your ZING shot. It’s our greenest combination, packed with kale, spinach, string beans, celery, cucumber, romaine lettuce, parsley, ginger, and lime.

1 Glow Up (Number 2) - 95 cal
This anti-inflammatory juice improves circulation, supports joint health, and acts as a nerve tonic with orange, turmeric, soursop leaf extract, carrot, cucumber, pineapple, milk thistle, spinach, watercress, ginger, and black pepper.

1 Vegan Protein - 150cal
Replace your most filling meal with this high-protein vegan blend. It's nut-free, with no added sugar, and is designed to keep you nourished throughout the day with banana, coconut milk, nut butter, a seed blend (chia, hemp, pumpkin, and flaxseed), cinnamon, and vanilla bean.

1 Black Magic (Number 3) - 90 cal
Crafted to boost digestive health, reduce bloating, and rid your body of toxins, this refreshing drink contains activated charcoal, elderberry, soursop leaf extract, pineapple, ginger, and lime.

1 Feel The Beet (Number 4) - 120 cal
This blood-building elixir combats inflammation, rebalances stomach pH, enhances digestion, and fortifies the immune system. Enjoy the benefits of beet, carrot, cucumber, celery, pineapple, oranges, parsley, and ginger.

Total Calories per Day: Approximately 535

Suggested Schedule:

For optimal results, drink each juice every two hours after your Number Zero.

Our program is designed with farm-fresh ingredients carefully selected and combined to promote immune-boosting, gut and liver-supporting properties, with a high-protein vegan blend to keep you nourished throughout the day.

While everyone's experience with cleansing is unique, it's essential to listen to your body. Juice cleansing is designed to replace solid meals, but it's crucial to adjust your intake of juices, water, and herbal teas according to your body's needs. You may notice changes in digestion and sleep patterns as your body adapts to the cleanse. Staying well-hydrated is vital, especially as you may experience fluctuations in energy levels and mood during your first juice cleanse.

- Add contents of 1 tea bag to 10oz of boiling water.
- Let boil on low flame (reduced heat) for ten minutes 
- Let sit for 15 minutes covered.
- Strain and enjoy!


Drink tea 1 hour after your last meal.

Maximize your results:

Keep hydrated with 6-8 glasses of water minimum, eat a healthy plant based diet with a focus on fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods, exercise, stretching and mindful breathing.

Do not exceed 2 cups in 24 hours. Do not drink for more than 5 days unless directed by your doctor. Prolonged use of laxatives may result in dependence.

Our detox packages are designed for persons seeking to boost their wellness and reduce the toxic ltd on their body. From the busy mom to the stressed out road warrior to the person who has been sedentary and is now looking to change their lifestyle, people from all different lifestyles can find a THERAPY® detox that is right for them.

THERAPY® detox programs are designed for adults to enjoy, even those of you who are lactose-intolerant and keep a vegan or gluten-free diet. Children under 18 should not participate in our cleansing program without consent from a parent and under the supervision of a heath care professional.

**Please keep in mind that our detox programs are NOT appropriate for those of you who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffer from certain medical conditions. Consult your health care provider before starting a cleanse program if you have a medical condition or take medications. 

Expect possible changes in digestion and sleep patterns as your body adapts to the cleanse.

Keep hydrating. Drink at least eight glasses of filtered non-carbonated water in addition to your juices. Herbal teas are another great option.

Get plenty of rest. A cleanse can be tiring. Keep your schedule as light as possible and try to get to bed early! Listen to your body. It will tell you when to slow down.

Take time to eliminate – During a cleanse your body releases accumulated toxins that may have built up for years. It is important to eliminate the toxins that are being released from your system during the cleansing process.

Congratulations – you’ve hit the reset button and detoxified your system! Now, we want to make sure that you are prepared to maintain and maximize the effects.

You are still in a detox mode for a few days after ending your cleanse so be mindful of what you put into your system. Make sure to drink plenty of water and pace yourself as you slowly reintroduce simple, whole foods. We recommend starting with salads, smoothies, soups, and juices while avoiding processed foods and animal products. Optimal post-cleanse foods are the same as pre-cleanse diet suggestions:
Steamed vegetables, fruits, vegetable broths, salads, smoothies, fresh juices and whole unprocessed foods.

Finally, remember to congratulate yourself YOU DID IT! You are on your way to a cleaner, healthier you!

Our cleanse programs are designed for all healthy people; however, there are certain individuals who should not partake. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not restrict your diet to liquids, as you need extra calories and nutrients in your diet. Consult your health care professional if our drinks are right for you.

It is recommended to eat vegetarian food for a minimum of (3) days before detox for maximum results. It is recommended that eating of processed foods and meats be temporally paused during cleanse.

Our ReLax Tea® should be taken on the night before the first day of Juicing. We include two tea bags in your Detox Box, one tea bag should be steeped for 15 minutes in boiling water or the contents of one bag added to boiling water for 10 minutes then removed from fire. The second Detox Tea can be had on the last day of your cleanse or on another occasion of your choosing. 

It is definitely true to say that our bodies cleanse naturally and constantly. We like to think of our cleanse program as an occasional way to pause and reflect from hectic normal life routines—and to take a dietary choice with us. Historically cleansing was a way to bring balance back into people's lives. So, while it is only being incorporated into dietary practices in the past few years by the masses, cleansing is certainly not a trend.

Although we don't believe in calorie counting, we know it is a constant concern for many individuals. Please don't think of our cleanse programs as a weight reduction diet; we want to get you out of that mentality and into an understanding that our drinks, including our fresh-pressed vegetable and fruit juices as well as our vegan protein blends(*contains seeds and nuts*), give you increased water intake and cell deep nourishment. That being said, most of our drinks range from 50-300 calories per bottle.

While committing to a cleanse program requires a level of dedication, it is not designed in any way to starve you. The goal is to feed you through highly nutritious liquids.

At THERAPY®, our programs are perfectly workable with your daily schedule- and won't disrupt your day with laxative action. If at any point you feel the NEED to eat during the cleanse honour that, choose organic vegetables, fruits or raw nuts or seeds in very small quantities, these sensible snacks won't undo all the good you are doing. 

And don't forget that you can always call or WhatsApp us for support.

Each bottle can be kept in sealed, refrigerated containers and can last refrigerated for up to 3 days with little loss of taste.

Definitely, just try to be gentle with yourself. You are still getting nutrition, but it is wise to beware of lower volume of foods. You will most likely find that you have lots of energy and if you so desire, go for a light jog or power walk around the neighbourhood. Otherwise it's always a great idea to stick to yoga or pilates for that added effect of intense breathing to help you maximize your cleanse.

There is a big misconception that you will spend the entirety of your cleanse program in a brain fog. Fortunately, it's simply not true. So don't worry about work, just go on with your normal life. Remember that your body and mind are getting nourishment with your day’s intake already planned out leaving you with less focus on where or how you are getting your next meals. Just try to stay away from the donuts and coffee in the conference room!