Combat Exaggerated Inflammation Naturally

The term inflammation covers immune-related processes within the body. Inflammation is a protective immunovascular response involving many different cell types and may be activated through external (e.g., an infection) and internal causes (e.g., atherosclerosis). Furthermore, also psychological stress has been shown to activate inflammatory processes (Iwata et al., 2016).
What causes inflammation?
There are many factors that can contribute to chronic inflammation. Some factors we have control over, and others we do not. These include:
- Dietary choices
- Smoking and tobacco use
- Exercise habits
- Sleep quantity and quality
- Alcohol use
- Persistent viral or bacterial infections
- Allergens and environmental pollutants in our air, water, and food
- Stress
How Can we Combat Exaggerated Inflammation Naturally?
1. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables
2. Choose high-fiber carbohydrates
3. Eat more fiber
4. Reduce the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the diet
Despite the fact that inflammatory responses are vital through tissue damage, understanding the mechanisms to turn off the finished or unnecessary inflammation is crucial for restoring homeostasis. Inflammation seems to be a smart process that acts like two edges of a sword, meaning that it has both protective and deleterious consequences.
It keeps coming back to the importance of the foods that we eat. The amount and quality of our fruits and vegetable and how hydrated we remain. Let's sip to our good health!